Why You Should Play With Your Horse? The Importanc…
It’s no secret that horses love to play. They are sociable animals that love interacting with other herd members, nipping and bumping each other like small boys playing catch on a baseball…
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What Should a Horse First Aid Kit Contain and Why?…
A good equine first aid kit is an absolute must-have item for you and your four-legged friend. Anyone who has spent much time in the company of horses will know that, despite…
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What You Need to Ride a Horse: A Beginners Guide
Horse riding is a wonderful sport, so congratulations on taking the plunge and deciding to get involved! When you take up a new activity, you’re bound to have lots of questions and…
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5 Games to Play with Horses: Bonding Through Play
The bond between a horse and a human can be truly special. As with most things worth having, it takes time to develop. For some, there is a defining moment when it…
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Can You Leave Horses Unattended? Advice for Leavin…
We’ve all been there. You’ve tacked up, tied up, picked out hooves and you’re already daydreaming about galloping your horse across the open countryside. Then you remember your hat is in the…
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How to Tell if a Horse is Angry: 7 Signs to Look O…
For thousands of years, the strength, power, agility, and speed of horses have served us, humans, well. We have commandeered them for all manner of tasks such as farming, warfare, transport, and…
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Why Your Horse is Licking and Eating Dirt
I don’t know about you, but when I think of food cravings, it’s tasty treats like chocolate or chips that come to mind. Granted, I’m not a herbivore and I don’t eat…
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Do Horses Get Cold? How to Care for Your Horse in …
For those of us that live in places where the winter months come complete with frost bites and Rudolph-colored noses and where we will make any excuse to escape inside, it’s no…
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Do Horses Get Sunburned? How to Protect Your Horse…
When summer approaches, and we all get excited about spending more time outdoors, somehow my mother’s voice always creeps into my mind telling me ‘make sure to apply sunscreen before you go…
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Can Horses Eat Pumpkin? What You Can and Can’…
Every holiday season I feel a little guilty. Here I am sipping on my spiced pumpkin latté, munching all the advent chocolate and feasting on delicious leftovers from Christmas meals while my…
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Do Horses Sleep Standing Up?
If you have been around horses or even observed them from a distance you may have noticed that they sometimes appear to be sleeping while still on their feet. Odd right? I…
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Can Horses Swim? What You Should Know About Horses…
Water and horses. Do they really mix? Based on the tiptoeing and disgruntled looks horses have given me when asked to step through the smallest of rain puddles, I think it’s a…
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