How Can I Be Confident When Riding? Two Powerful W…
Author: Megan Warren - Certified ICF Coach Riding – whether you are a beginner or a professional – requires an acceptance of risk and uncertainty, a belief in your own self-efficacy, an…
Beginner Info, For Riders, Rider FitnessContinue Reading
What Should a Horse First Aid Kit Contain and Why?…
A good equine first aid kit is an absolute must-have item for you and your four-legged friend. Anyone who has spent much time in the company of horses will know that, despite…
About Horses, Beginner Info, For RidersContinue Reading
What Muscles Does Horseback Riding Tone? Will Hors…
When you watch a sport, it’s usually clear to see what parts of the body the athlete is using; a footballer uses their legs and feet, a tennis player uses their arms…
For Riders, Rider FitnessContinue Reading
How Fit Do You Have To Be To Ride a Horse?
Anyone that’s already had their first horse riding experience will tell you how much they wobbled around in the saddle, how trotting felt like galloping, and how off-balance they felt every time…
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What Muscles Horseback Riding Actually Works
When you watch a sport, it’s usually clear to see what parts of the body the athlete is using; a footballer uses their legs and feet, a tennis player uses their arms…
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How Much Does Horse Riding Equipment Cost: A Quick…
Starting a new sport or hobby usually involves some kind of financial outlay. Whether it’s safety equipment, travel costs, or clothing – half the battle is usually figuring out what it is…
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5 Games to Play with Horses: Bonding Through Play
The bond between a horse and a human can be truly special. As with most things worth having, it takes time to develop. For some, there is a defining moment when it…
About Horses, For RidersContinue Reading
What I Wish I Knew Before Getting a Horse: Horse O…
Deciding whether to get a horse is one of those life-changing decisions. There is a lot of expert advice out there covering the steps to take, the things to remember and the…
For RidersContinue Reading
How to Prepare Yourself and the Horse for Your Fir…
So, you have been training and working with your horse, and now it feels like it is time. Time to compete at your first horse show. We all dream of having our…
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Resistance Band Core Workout for Horse Riders
Resistance bands have become a staple in our luggage whenever we go anywhere for an extended period of time. It is such an easy tool to get more out of your workouts…
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Resistance Band Workout for Horse Riders: 6 Upper …
We love bodyweight workouts for their convenience and versatility, but we love resistance band training even more because it means bringing a short workout to the next level. Adding that little bit…
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How to Tack Up a Horse: An Illustrated Step-by-Ste…
Tacking up a horse is one of those basic skills you need as an equestrian and something you will be doing hundreds of times during your horse-riding career. Like so many things…
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